What is Sound Scoop?

Sound Scoop is a fun way for you to discover new music from all over the world, with a large variety of genres. Each review will be published on Tuesdays (without fail!)

About Me!

My name is Larissa, I'm a 16-year-old IB student who has enjoyed and has been surrounded by music my entire life. I created this platform to share my thoughts and recommendations on any music genre as a part of my IB CAS project under Creativity. As well as sharing music you may have never heard of and artists you never knew existed!

What will you find in each update?

The format of this newsletter will include:

  • A new song from a different artist

  • My honest review

  • My favorite verse

The Oficial Playlist

Here you will find the collection of songs I have recommended so you can listen along as you read! Updated with each upload.

Be sure to tune in every Tuesday for a new recommendation!!

Subscribe to The Sound Scoop

a newsletter dedicated to music discovery